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Meet The Maxwell's

My husband and I have two littles. My sweet Lucas James will be four this April. He is beyond stubborn. He knows what he wants, and does everything he can to get it. He also knows how to work the system. Exhibit A: apparently one day I said something of the sort "we're going to order Chinese food tonight because mom's tired!" A few weeks later, he came up to me as I was trying to figure out what we were going to have for dinner and he said "mom, you're too tired so we need to order Chinese. You rest." WHAT. He's almost four and already uses my words against me? Jesus help me. He also informed us that he doesn't like to be called "Lucas" or "Luke" but "Lou". This kid is going to change the world. That, or destroy it! ;)

I love you, my Lou. May you channel your stubbornness to change the world for Jesus. May your righteous anger be that which will stand up for injustice and speak loud for those who cannot. Go change the world. I know you can.

My darling Rachel is one and half. She is a girlie girl. She loves getting her nails done, wearing necklaces and being a mama to her six baby dolls, one mini mouse and a stuffed monkey. She is such a mama. She is the reason we get out the door on time! She brings each one of us our shoes, purses, jackets and backpacks. She loves her people, whether it's her favorite babysitter, her big brother, her cousins or her daddy, she treasures them deeply. Lately, sassy and dramatic attitudes have emerged. I am so excited to watch her as she continues to develop in to the little girl Jesus has created her to be.

Sweet Rachel, go love the world hard. Go be a beacon of hope and love. Offer grace when grace is needed and a sassy smile when sassiness is desired. My prayer is that you would love and serve Jesus all the days of your life.

And lastly my husband, Steven. We've been friends since we were 12 years old. He's been my biggest advocate and encourager. He keeps me laughing. In our short lives, we have been through a lot together. He has stood by my side, never giving up on me and pushing me to become better. He is incredibly patient with my overly sensitive self. He reminds me to not take life too seriously and points me to Jesus and His faithfulness daily. I am incredibly grateful for him. He is a wonderful father to our babies and the best friend I could ask for!

Steven, thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for always believing in me. You make me a better person! I pray everyday that God would continue to mold me into the wife you deserve. Thank you for making me laugh. I love you endlessly!

We are the Maxwell's. Unorganized, goofy, tired, loud, sometimes disastrous. We love Jesus.

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